Tuesday, March 13, 2007

On the Bubble

With March Madness set to start in a few days, the GIK committee is getting down to business. The process has been slowed by the fact that one of the committee members can't seem to make up his mind on anything. That's right #5, I'm talking to you. As it stands, three pictures have solidified their places in the draw (they shan't be named here) and about 25 films (seriously there are at least 25) are on the bubble. Over the next few days, the committee will engage in serious viewings, heated debates, and the traditional hurling of objects at each other. While the B-ball tournament kicks off this week, GIK will release it's brackets on Friday, and things will start to heat up next week. It's how we did it last year, so hopefully it will work out again. In the meantime, if you have any last minute selection requests, make them known and we here at GIK will take them into consideration. Also, look for #6 Duke to shock the world in the second round and send those cowards of Pittsburgh home early.

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