Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Why Grieco? Why?

Y'all remember when I used to review bad movies and talk about the crazy dreams I'd have? Man, those were good times. I am currently in the middle of a move and I have now officially worked 18 of the last 19 days, oft' until the wee hours o' the morn'. I knew this working from home shit would turn ugly at some point. In order to deal with the insanity, I will be bringing in The Ghost of Gene Siskel as a guest blogger at some point this week. He is a lover of bad cinema and a true American talent, so treat him nice. I have also sent various emails to various clients to tell them to fucking chill down, so hopefully I will be back to normal soon. I ask you to stay with me, not for myself, but for Grieco. Yeah, Grieco. All he ever wanted was to find a pretty dame and live the quiet life, but this crazy world never gave him nothin' but a ball of wax. Yeah, that's right, a ball of wax!

I'm gonna work some more and then go to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just think of all the Grieco you can do with your new desk...and all the Grieco-worthy films you can view on the TV sitting upon its new entertainment center. Wow!