Monday, April 03, 2006

Opening Day

'Sup y'all? I'm still recovering a bit from the GIK tournament and I'm getting ready to watch the mighty Chicago Cubs take the field today in the first game of what will surely be their World Series season. I will return tomorrow with a post suggested by a long-time reader who is too lazy to come up with a clever screen name. That's right "Anonymous", I'm talking to you. If that even is your real name.


Anonymous said...

From the Desk of Anonymous:

Dear GIK,
Did you know that it is National Library Week? Well, in celebration, I offer my favorite library-related films. Guess which one lends itself most freely to GIK worthiness...

3. Party Girl

Mary is a free spirited party girl who is forced to work in the library after her godmother bails her out of jail. One night Mary gets stoned and breaks into the library to memorize the Dewey Decimal System. She throws herself into her work and ultimately decides to go to library school. In one powerful speech, her godmother remarks on how Dewey hired women as librarians because they couldn’t be expected to think too much. This is a quirky film, but offers a positive image for librarians.

2. UHF

The manager of a small TV station hits it big with a mix of crazy programs. A vignette for the program Conan the Librarian features a patron asking for a book on Astronomy. Conan picks him up and says threateningly "Don't you know the Dewey Decimal Classification?" Later, Conan slices another borrower in half for returning a book late. Conan is the librarian many of us have wanted to be.

1. Soylent Green

In the year 2022, a homicide cop investigates a murder and finds an explosive secret. He must get this knowledge to the Council, a ruling body made up of librarians because they are the only ones left in this society who know how to get information. A dark film, but an interesting spin on the information explosion.

Anonymous said...

Additionally, as many of us are preparing our taxes, I would appreciate an analysis of a film that provides an insightful look at the tribulations of the CPA. That CPA would be Kirstie Alley, and that film would be Look Who's Talking.

Maybe you can figure out, GIK, why two of the central characters are named Albert and Rosie. Conscious tip-o-the-hat to Bye, Bye, Birdie...or lame name choice?

Could go either way, as the film was written and directed by Amy Heckerling...