Monday, February 13, 2006

The Shroud of Torino

Look, I know I promised a review of the bold Grieco/Wheaton piece for today, but I ended up spending the weekend at a fancy hotel where they gave us robes. Now, I’m a lazy man, but if you give me a robe, not a damn thing is getting done. When I finally did get home I was set to watch the film, but I got drawn into those winter Olympics. I love the luge, the drama, and those little outfits the ice skaters wear. This one pair from China skated to some bizarre instrumental version of Zeppelin’s "Kashmir," and I was hooked. After that, it was all downhill skiing and shots of my people. Sure, I’ve never been to Italy and the only thing I can say in Italian isn’t suitable for mixed company, but they’re my people nonetheless. Anyway, I promise to have the Grieco review for tomorrow, and I have got some other good stuff planned for the week (did somebody say Frankenfish?). In the meantime, if you have a robe, nowhere to go, and absolutely nothing to do, you should check out those Olympics. I hear the skeleton’s gonna be kickass.


Anonymous said...

Remember the fabulous meal at the Driskill? And the breakfast in bed? And the balcony? And the champagne? And the king sized bed? And the awesome tub? And smoking in bed? And the ROBES! Oh, sweet lord, the robes...

Anonymous said...

Maybe we, the readers, should blame the robes for misspelling Wil Wheaton's last name and a Zeppelin tune in the same entry. Maybe.

# 5 said...

I made the corrections. May Robert Plant have mercy on my soul.